Sunday, October 14, 2007

Brainstorming Recap

I thought I'd fill in the Eric, Laurel and Cyrus (who were in Regina with Harrell) with a little more info about the brainstorming process we did during class last week.

We each individually brainstormed a list of ideas about what the ideal art history class would look like for 5 minutes.
We then each read our list to the rest of the group.
We each picked our 3 clearest ideas and wrote them on cards.
We all stood around a table and put the cards on the table, and then started to group the cards together. For example, there were three people who were interested in learning about global trends, so we put those cards in a group.

Looking at the cards, it seemed like people had suggested two different types of information about this 'ideal' art history class. Some people suggested different structures for how the class period would happen, and other people suggested content ideas. And, it seemed like some people were suggesting different structures as the content of the class.

From what I can tell, we didn't quite agree on either structure or content. It seems like these two things are what we will be trying to suss out during our Wednesday evening meeting after the visit to the library.

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