Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Readings for Avalon's presentation 11/15

Sorry to not get these out sooner. Look at the pieces in the pdfs below. I'll be sharing even yet another pdf as well. Sticking to my tendency to be contrary (this time to myself) I won't be giving much in depth "context" to San Keller's work. Instead I'll be presenting him to you through my research and from my direct experiences of his work and from anecdotes he shared with me when he visited Portland. There is some overlap in these pdfs but that's ok.



Also the music page we created:


And San's Memosan game:


Monday, November 12, 2007

Readings for Thursday 11/15

I e-mailed the articles that I'd like you to read for Thursday's class. If you didn't receive them and would like me to resend them, please let me know. In addition to the readings, please familiarize yourselves with the content of the two shows we'll be discussing: Wack! Art and the Feminist Revolution and Global Feminisms: New Directions in Contemporary Art via the web-sites linked here.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Thursday Readings

Read this:
TRUTH IS A VIRUS: Meme Warfare and the Billionaires for Bush (or Gore) by Andrew Boyd

and this:

Affirmative Action; Tom Vanderbilt on The Yes Men

and this for a definition and history of Culture Jamming:

Culture Jamming on Wiki

If you want to find out more on The Yes Men and The Billionaires For Bush, peruse the list "Culture Jamming Organizations or People."

Extra if interested:
This Wikipedia article explains Internet Memes

Some other stuff of possible interest, not mandatory:
Activism in the Information Age, The Yes Men on Bill Moyer
Tactical Media (both tactical and media are links)
Google Bomb
Flash Mobs
Dow v. Thing A Free-Speech Infringement That's Worse Than Censorship

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Your meeting today 11/1

Dear MFA group,

If you need a computer and projection for your meeting tonight, I will be in the lecture room at 5:30 where you can gather and show any relevant visuals.

I hope you all received the email I sent out last week outlining the expectations for your oral presentation, written materials and final questions. Your final grade will depend on completion of these projects.

Please let me know what resources or specifics you need as you prepare for the end of the term, or if you have any questions.
